
Turmeric – Why You Need to Know This Before You Buy!

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I used to be a bit of a supplement junkie. Okay, I am still a bit of one. I am big into trying a supplement and testing it out. But there is nothing more frustrating than buying supplements that simply do not work. That is what I want you to avoid and why you need to know this before you buy Turmeric!

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Turmeric is a root used in all kinds of cooking. Its deep yellow color makes it an attractive addition to many dishes sauces and dressings. An essential, mildly-flavored ingredient in curries, it has been a staple ingredient in the Middle East and India for thousands of years. It claims to fame is its anti-inflammatory properties that keep you moving and pain-free!

Turmeric Absolutely Helps with Inflammation. Or does it?

We have all heard it before…. make turmeric tea, milk or just buy it in a pill and you will be pain-free! Well, I was only interested in buying it in a pill.

Boy, was that a mistake. I spent a fortune! As a result, absolutely nothing happened. Let me start from the beginning.

I was getting pretty sore when I started to approach 50. Even more so, for my Boomer husband, who is 6 years older. As we have aged, we understand why our parents made all kinds of grumbling noises when they tried to get out of my sports car or off the couch.

We have tried all kinds of solutions.

All were short-lived or did not work at all, from diet to anti-inflammatory supplements. Trying to avoid over the counter anti-inflammatory medications was becoming increasingly difficult. Now I know why…..

Most brands are not formulated properly, inhibiting absorption.

I received this email in December …..

  1. “Americans spend over $30 billion on dietary supplements every year, despite the fact that these products are completely unregulated, send 20,000+ people to the ER annually, and frequently do not contain what they say they contain. That realization led Dr. Sreek Cherukuri to form SmartCeuticals, a company that strives to educate consumers about the supplement industry and has just introduced the first pharmaceutical-grade turmeric product for treating joint pain. 
  2.  He zeroed in on turmeric because it’s the 9th most-used supplement in the U.S. (100+ varieties are sold on Amazon alone) but among the most debunked. One independent test showed that 61% of turmeric supplements are not absorbed by the human body and therefore ineffective. Another found that up to 40% contain synthetic turmeric made from petroleum
  3. In response, Cherukuri and his team developed Boscumin, a patent-pending, pharmaceutical-grade product that is 29 times more absorbable than leading turmeric supplements. That means it delivers 29 times more active natural anti-inflammatories to the body and joints, thereby helping increase mobility by over 300%. 
  4. Those results stem directly from Boscumin’s status as the first supplement to combine turmeric and Boswellia (both herbal anti-inflammatories) and bond them to fat-soluble lecithin for improved stability and increased absorption. This combination has been clinically proven in over 40 human studies to reduce pain, stiffness and muscle soreness.” 

I was shocked.

Well, that email explained it! I had tried Turmeric over and over. I mean, it cures cancer and people can walk with ease again, right? Wrong! That certainly was not my experience!

You see, since I started my blog, when I am not traveling, I am working on the business side of blogging. Emails, phone calls and computer work can consume hours upon, hours of my day. We only have one office and frankly, I am not interested in taking over my husband’s space. So where do I work? On the couch! OUCH!

After 6 months of this, everything hurt. I am a work-a-holic and basically would sit on my couch writing, working on social media, basically a lot of typing and reading. My wrists, hands, knees and ankles were crackling and sore. I was grumbling to get off of the couch just like my parents. 

The supplement came in the mail. It sat there. In order to test it, I felt I should stop any other supplements to really put it to the test.

About a week later, I realized we had not tried it yet. I kept staring at the prescription looking bottle suspiciously. It all sounded good, but I was sure it would take weeks to work.

I stopped all other supplements and started with the Boscumin. I wanted to give it a fair shot but I was not really expecting much, to be honest. Amazingly, the results were immediate! I thought to myself, this cannot be this supplement!

Did it start working the same day not weeks?

Sure enough, I woke up the next morning, and as usual, my ankles were sore. I took the Boscumin and again, within an hour the pain was significantly reduced! My husband and I shared the bottle and before we knew it, it was gone. I noticed this morning he had pulled out the over-the-counter stuff again to deal with his pain. I have been eyeballing the same bottle.

So I contacted the company. My email went something like this, “This stuff is the real deal. I need a code for my subscribers!”

They were very excited to hear about my results and sent me a code so that you could get a discount on your purchase!

So here it is! The real deal.

Just go to the website!  Enter the code TRICIA to get 20% off!

Yes, it is 100% guaranteed so if it does not work for you as it did me? You get your money back!

Help not Hype

Most dietary supplements make promises with no clinical proof or medical basis. They focus on products intended to sell and not heal.

Dismayed by the state of natural healing, noted surgeon and consumer medical advocate, Dr. Cherukuri, with his team of doctors and scientists, sought to provide natural solutions based on science, quality, and proven effectiveness.

At SmartCeuticals, they care about what we put in our bodies, so Boscumin was developed to the highest standard: the pharmaceutical standard.



100% Guaranteed Natural

100% Guaranteed Natural

100% Clinically Validated

100% Clinically Validated

NSF Certified

NSF Certified

Independently Tested and Verified

Independently Tested and Verified

100% Money Back Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee

I would love to hear in the comments about how Boscumin worked for you!

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