We have come a long way while addressing certain stereotypes in the past few centuries. The struggle of humanity to uplift itself from such atrocities can be witnessed in the rich history of the United States. Advertence about these stereotypes has been hammered in the minds, generations over generations, by the so-called society and culture.…
We all have our bad days at work. I remember early in life, after a bad day or even a bad week, I went to my massage therapist and I would just hop up on the table and have my stresses massaged away. As I aged I noticed that is was not as simple anymore.…
Change is not comfortable, even change for the better. It’s why so many people spend so many years of their lives in jobs they loathe, relationships that leave them lonely and settling for the circumstance that pull them down. Of course, sometimes change can be exciting. Vacationing somewhere new. Moving state, or across the world. I…
I was at the grocery store and ran into an old friend from my 20’s. We have occasionally seen each other over the years and will take the time to catch up. She is a pharmacist and had worked at two or three major chains over the years. As we were catching up, I explained…
Even if you have heard of the term ‘committed to excellence,’ do you fully understand what it means? Do you need help being inspired when it comes to excellence in your career and daily life? I will share with your quotes that inspire excellence and some sound advice on how to achieve excellence in your…
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