All topics concerning your health and wellness after 50.
I used to be a bit of a supplement junkie. Okay, I am still a bit of one. I am big into trying a supplement and testing it out. But there is nothing more frustrating than buying supplements that simply do not work. That is what I want you to avoid and why you need…
Intermittent fasting is something I have been personally doing since the mid-’90s after giving birth to my second child before anyone was calling it that. Intermittent Fasting is not for everyone. Many folks have benefited from IF who were suffering from health issues. The premise is that you are forcing your body to live off…
If you read my previous article My Eldest Leaves the Nest, you know I had to start a hobby to get through having an empty nest. Not everyone has the desire to hop on a horse and start showing. Here are some great ways to keep the boredom from an empty nest at bay and…
Trying to Make Kale Work in Your Life? This is my Organic Warm Roasted Carrot and Kale Salad which is a staple for fall meals in my home. This perfect fall kale salad is always a hit for my guests and works for any holiday. For us, I like to make it in the fall…
For years salt was demonized for creating high blood pressure and heart issues. But is that really the case? Or was it because we are eating highly processed salt and sodium chemicals like MSG that our body did not know how to process. We all know too much highly processed salt is bad for us,…
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