Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Cancer: What Facts You Need To Know For Your Family and Friends

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This post was developed in collaboration with Eisai Inc.

Endometrial Cancer is something that is always lurking in the background for many women, and in particular, my own family. The reason I am participating in the Spot Her campaign is because so many women in my life have been affected negatively with female issues.

My own daughter was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) at the age of 21, and from there more and more of my friends and coworkers have been diagnosed with this same condition. Did you know that women with PCOS are at an increased risk for endometrial cancer? In fact, some studies have indicated that the risk may be three times higher than women without endometrial cancer.       

Endometrial Cancer

Many women in my life felt comfortable coming to me about their conditions as their friend, manager, and as a mom, but it was not something that was really discussed unless it was a one-on-one conversation. They struggled with hormone imbalance, weight gain, anxiety, missed periods, and had concerns about fertility. What I noticed is that many women had no idea that women they know have the same struggles as they do. It can look different in different people. But from my experience sharing with these women, it all stemmed from similar conditions that worsened as they aged. 

My own daughter was saying things, like, “I am okay with not having children.” She did not want to be disappointed if she struggled with her own fertility, which was a real possibility, knowing the effects that PCOS has on a woman’s reproductive system. Once she and her husband decided to marry, and the time came to start a family, doctor’s visits, and a lot of research went into preparing her body for pregnancy.  

As a mom and a friend, I am concerned about these statistics and the women in my life who may not be aware of the symptoms.  

Common Symptoms of Endometrial Cancer  

Signs may include but are not limited to:

  • abnormal bleeding spotting or brownish discharge after menopause 
  • spotting or brownish discharge after menopause  
  • irregular or heavy bleeding in women before menopause 
  • pelvic pain or pressure

The symptoms of endometrial cancer, and other gynecologic cancers, can be vague and similar to those of other conditions. Recognizing these symptoms and talking about them with your gynecologist or primary care doctor may help you spot cancer early when it may be more treatable The question remains: how can we empower other women to spot the signs early and take action when endometrial cancer is often unknown, misunderstood and is not often discussed? As women, we must be outspoken about endometrial cancer signs and spot her – our mothers, aunts, sisters, friends, and ourselves.    

Spot Her is an awareness campaign where we can help end the silence and take a stand! FORCE, Share Cancer Support (SHARE), Black Health Matters, and Eisai Inc. partnered to launch Spot Her—an initiative to help end the silence around endometrial cancer and inspire women to listen, to advocate, and to put her health first. For every use of #SpotHerforEC, Eisai will donate $1 to FORCE and SHARE (up to $20k)!

Visit the website today, to educate yourself about endometrial cancer, so you can help your friends, co-workers, and family who may not understand what someone may be going through. Had I not understood the issues my daughter was suffering from, she may not have had our grandchild so easily. Change can happen when women take action and spot each other!   

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product(s) on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Always consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement or nutraceutical. Especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions. Individual results may vary. These are from my own experience and the experience of others and only our opinions.

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