Welcome! Enjoy our articles on life after 50.
After deciding to divorce the corporate world after 10 years, the stress I was experiencing from the corporate life over the last two years had brought me to a pivotal point. I wanted to do something that I was passionate about. That meant spending more time with family, friends, traveling and getting my health in line. Having been an entrepreneur most of my life I knew I needed to get back to my roots, my family and start living life for us.
Together we will experience the people, places and food that we love so you can make them your own. If you do try our faves, I would love to hear about them. Post your experience in the comments!
So here we are! Jack and I have been married for 21 years and friends for 30.

Today we are on a new journey…. the kids have been out of the house for a few years and now we are grandparents. We will show you exciting ways to spend time with family or just with each other. Our goal is to help you explore this thing called LIFE and start living it to the fullest!