Travel hacks for traveling with grandkids. Packing tips for family vacations and what to pack when travelling with grandkids.

What to Bring on a Family Trip – Top 10 Packing Hacks for Grandparents

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This is a must-have top 10 packing hacks for grandparents! The grandkids are a little older and you have decided to take them on their first trip! The parents have sent over a garage full of stuff for you to bring, but is it all necessary?

Grandparents and grandchildren traveling together can be a blast if you are properly prepared.

This top 10 packing list for traveling with grandchildren on your family vacation will help you to stay organized and have what you need for your trip without sounding off the weight alarms at the check-in counter!

What to Bring While Travelling with a Toddler and Kids

Strollers – This is one of my favorite space-saving travel hacks. Strollers are a great tool for when littles get too tired to walk. Especially if you are going to an amusement park. But do not opt for the big fancy stroller. They take up a lot of space, they are bulky and HEAVY!

We love the umbrella stroller with a basket. Lightweight and easy to breakdown, they are a must-have whenever you are traveling with anyone who would still ask to be carried.

These light strollers are perfect if you are going on a long road trip with a toddler.

Backpacks – Every packing list has to have a backpack. A backpack is a great tool over a purse when you are traveling.

You can keep your wallet, money keys and phones secure and have room for snacks, toys or even a change of clothes in case there is an accident. In addition, the kids can bring their own backpack to keep their travel toy and snacks organized!

Traveling with Grandkids what to pack, top 10 hacks!

Travel Planning for a Family Vacation with Grandkids – Supplies You Need

If you are traveling with your grandkids of any age, but especially young children, you will want to pay close attention to this advice.

Zip Lock Bags – Speaking of accidents, it is great to have these just in case or you need to store a wet bathing suit. I also bring smaller ones for leftover food from a restaurant that we can keep for a snack later. The best part is they do not take up a lot of real estate in your backpack!

Diapers and Supplies – Most parents will, with good intentions send over a whole weeks worth. But you really can not realistically fit all of that into your car or luggage. It is much better to buy them on the road or after you arrive.

If you are traveling by car just bring one pack and buy them as you need. If you are flying then bring 1-2 days worth. Another great packing hack is to order them on Amazon and have them shipped to your hotel!

Layering clothes – When you are traveling to a colder or warmer climate, weather-related clothes can take up a ton of room. So we suggest layering clothes.

Some people travel for a week with just a carry-on by layering to get on the plane. Bring clothes that mix and match and can be layered easily for cooler weather.

Bathing Suits – I always recommend they bring two. We are into everything with water, beach, pool, or lake. If there is water we are in it! I like to have a dry suit on occasions and they do not take up any room in your suitcase.

If you are in the pool at your resort the night before and then drive to a waterfall that you can swim the next morning, I would prefer to drive to the waterfall in a dry suit!

Snacks – I made the worst mistake the other day when flying to NY. I did not bring any healthy snacks and my flight was delayed for several hours.

Whether you are flying or driving just bring one day’s worth of kid friendly snacks. You can buy more at a grocery store when you arrive.

You will be grateful you brought snacks on a long road trip with a toddler or kids.

Hair – For longer trips, you can buy supplies when you get there, otherwise we bring mini bottles and leave the soap at home. Also, most hotels provide hair dryers. I leave that at home now, too.

If you are traveling with teen girls this can be tricky but I would try to accommodate everyone by using one person’s straightener or curling iron and leave the rest at home!

How Do You Entertain Children While Travelling?

Travel Toys – New toys are exciting for kids. Packing a new toy or two is a reliable trick that travel-savvy families use to make long travel days easier. Magnetic PlayBooks are all the rage in mom circles.

Electronics – If they have them you may want to let them bring it. I am of the camp that I got to just look out the window on vacation and have my thoughts.

Personally, I want my grandkids to unplug when they are with me. So we have a hard rule. No phones or electronics when we eat or when we are on an activity, period.

They are not even allowed in their pocket when we are at the table. With that being said, it is just a part of their culture. You can have them with rules and boundaries. Set up the rules early and stick to them if you are like me.

Related Article: 5 Bucket List Travel SpotsWith Your Grandkids!

We would love to see your packing hacks in the comments!

Traveling with Grandkids what to pack, top 10 hacks!

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What to Bring on a Family Trip – Top 10 Packing Hacks for Grandparents

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