Retirement issues are discussed for people over 50. What should you expect from retirement and how do you get there!
This is a sponsored post for Verizon. All opinions are my own. In this day and age, we need to use every tool at our disposal to help us stay safe with these 3 best safety apps for Boomers. Up until I attended the Verizon 55 Plus Boomer Workshop, I still did not have a…
By Former Fortune 100 Company President Fred Sievert Happier, Healthier and Younger in Retirement We all understand and appreciate the need for sound financial planning during the years preceding retirement. Who among us hasn’t gone online to calculate our retirement “nest-egg” needs and then panicked because accumulating that much wealth seemed inconceivable; especially if we…
If you read my previous article My Eldest Leaves the Nest, you know I had to start a hobby to get through having an empty nest. Not everyone has the desire to hop on a horse and start showing. Here are some great ways to keep the boredom from an empty nest at bay and…
As a banker, you see all walks of life. When it comes to retirement there were people who were carefree and others who are burdened. The ones who were pinching every penny or the ones who were headed on their next trip. Some even live in fear and are not sure their money will last.…
*UPDATE* RIP Zeppelin 07/16/2018 See the update at the end of the article. When my kids started their path into adult hood, having them leave the nest was much more difficult than I ever imagined. Not only did I miss them terribly but life was boring without them! I had way too much time on…
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